Creative Get Together at Thirlmere with Julie, this Saturday 24th September is at 12.30 set-up for 1.00pm start and finish at 3.00pm. A reminder that after the CGT we are having the Annual General Meeting for members which will start as close to 3.00pm as possible.
We have a new Creative Get Together Venue in Thirlmere: The Tahmoor Scout Group Hall at the very western end of Mason Street Thirlmere, with many thanks to the Scout Group.
If you are into small things and love where you live. WAGs CGT will be all about featuring local hot spots and using smaller brushes for our landscape masterpieces. To be displayed together in our Gallery.
Materials: bring a Table Easel if you have one, ACRYLICS, WATER COLOURS or OILS, small brushes and any small canvases or paper. If you have some pics of LOCAL FEATURES, Shops, Sheds, Hills, Industry, Landscape, bring them along, with ‘IDEAS of GRANDEUR’ in mind. Perhaps you can continue finishing your painting from last time.
We will start around 12.30 at the SCOUT HALL THIRLMERE, End of Mason Street Thirlmere [Mason St is parallel to Oaks Road, at the rear of the Public School] As usual you are welcome to do your own thing. $3.00 for members $5.00 for non-members. Please let Julie know if you are coming for catering & Insurance...... phone 4683 0808 or Janet phone 4681 8579