Wollondilly Arts Group What's On

Browsing Archive: April, 2015

Saturday 9th May  10.00am - 12.00 noon Annual General Meeting.

Posted by Janet Dalton on Monday, April 13, 2015, In : AGM 
Annual General Meeting to be held from 10.00am to12 noon on May 9th prior to our Creative Get Together.

All positions will become vacant and new office bearers and committee members will be voted in. Please consider to take on a position as an office bearer or committee member. Members can nominate themselves and/or other WAG members for these positions. Nomination forms will be sent out shortly.

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Saturday 9th May 1.00pm - 4.00pm Metamorphosing with Collage.

Posted by Janet Dalton on Monday, April 13, 2015, In : Creative Get Togethers 
1.00pm - 4.00pm Metamorphosing with Collage. Bring 2 identical photocopies of a picture + pencil,
paper, glue, scissors. Thirlmere Scout Hall Mason Street. Or work on your own project. Cost is $3.00 for members, $5.00 for non-members. Phone Janet 02 46818579 or email janetdalton@ozemail.com.au   New members always welcome.

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Postponed Collography Workshop Saturday18th April 2015

Posted by Janet Dalton on Monday, April 13, 2015, In : Workshops 
 Collography Printing Workshop with Karen Mors, Saturday18th April 2015 has now been Postponed - possibly till 2nd May 2015. Please check later as the date and venue need to be confirmed.

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About WAG

Wollondilly Arts Group Inc. (WAG) is a not-for-profit community organization based in the Wollondilly Shire, Southern Highlands of New South Wales, Australia. Our group has been operating since 2004 in which time we have been supporting artists and lobbying for a dedicated community space, a home for our group, to provide a permanent meeting place, workshop and gallery space.

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