Wollondilly Arts Group What's On

Browsing Archive: March, 2011

Friday, 25th March, 2011 Opening of Works by WAG 5 Annual exhibition

Posted by Janet Dalton on Tuesday, March 22, 2011, In : exhibitions 
Works by WAG 5 - the opening of the Annual exhibition of works by the Wollondilly Arts Group will on Friday, 25th March, 2011,  6pm at Tahmoor House, 27 Remembrance Drive, Tahmoor 2573 NSW. Our patron, Wollondilly Mayor, Michael Banasik will open the exhibition.

Exhibition will be open Friday 25th 4pm - 8pm,  Saturday 26th and Sunday 27th March from 10am - 4pm. Entry is via the car park@ www.tahmoor-house.com


Light refreshments and live entertainment will be provided.

RSVP 21st March to The Sec...

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Pottery classes in Thirlmere - start Wednesday, 9th March 20111

Posted by Janet Dalton on Tuesday, March 8, 2011, In : Private classes 
Fil Cullum will have private pottery classes at his pottery. Morning and evening classes available. Starting this week, Wednesday, 9th March 2011. Small classes - only 6 places/session.


Where: Thirlmere, 5 Barbour Rd.
When:  Wednesdays:     morning class     10am to 1pm
                                                evening class       7pm to 10pm
Cost:      $25/3 hour session


Clay:      $20/bag, available at Fil’s
Firing:    contact Fil


Enquiries/bookings/details: please phone F...

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Saturday 30th April 2011 Wollondilly Arts Group WORKSHOP in ACRYLIC by Steve Underwood

Posted by Janet Dalton on Tuesday, March 8, 2011, In : Workshops 
Conducted by well known local artist Steve Underwood a fulltime artist and a gifted teacher, teaching both beginners and advanced and works mainly in oils, but will do this workshop for us in acrylics.(Oil if you want to). He paints in a real but impressionistic style and enjoys painting landscape and portraiture.
A selection of his work is on display for viewing on his page
DATE   30th APRI...

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About WAG

Wollondilly Arts Group Inc. (WAG) is a not-for-profit community organization based in the Wollondilly Shire, Southern Highlands of New South Wales, Australia. Our group has been operating since 2004 in which time we have been supporting artists and lobbying for a dedicated community space, a home for our group, to provide a permanent meeting place, workshop and gallery space.

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